#!/bin/env python import json import requests import argparse import re re_digits = re.compile(r'(\d+)') def emb_numbers(s): pieces = re_digits.split(s) pieces[1::2] = map(int, pieces[1::2]) return pieces def sort_strings_with_emb_numbers2(alist): return sorted(alist, key=emb_numbers) def requestjson(url, values): data = json.dumps(values) # 添加头部信息 hd = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json-rpc' } # 使⽤post⽅式 添加登录⽤户及密码 req = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=hd) output = req.json() return output def authenticate(url, username, password): values = {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'user.login', 'params': { 'user': username, 'password': password }, 'id': '0' } output = requestjson(url, values) return output['result'] def gethosts(groupname, url, auth): host_list = {} values = {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'hostgroup.get', 'params': { 'output': 'extend', 'filter': {'name': groupname}, 'selectHosts': ['host'] }, 'auth': auth, 'id': '2' } output = requestjson(url, values) for host in output['result'][0]['hosts']: host_list[host['host']] = (host['hostid']) # return host_list hosts_sort = [] for host in sort_strings_with_emb_numbers2(host_list.keys()): hosts_sort.append(host_list[host]) return hosts_sort def getgraphs(host_list, name_list, url, auth, columns, graphtype=0, dynamic=0): if (graphtype == 0): selecttype = ['graphid'] select = 'selectGraphs' if (graphtype == 1): selecttype = ['itemid', 'value_type'] select = 'selectItems' graphs = [] for host in host_list: values = ({'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'graph.get', 'params': { select: [selecttype, 'name'], 'output': ['graphid', 'name'], 'hostids': host, 'filter': {'name': name_list}, 'sortfield': 'name' }, 'auth': auth, 'id': '3' }) output = requestjson(url, values) bb = sorted(output['result']) if (graphtype == 0): for i in bb: graphs.append(i['graphid']) if (graphtype == 1): for i in bb: if int(i['value_type']) in (0, 3): graphs.append(i['itemid']) graph_list = [] x = 0 y = 0 for graph in graphs: graph_list.append({ 'resourcetype': graphtype, 'resourceid': graph, 'width': '600', 'height': '100', 'x': str(x), 'y': str(y), 'colspan': '1', 'rowspan': '1', }) x += 1 if x == int(columns): x = 0 y += 1 return graph_list def screencreate(url, auth, screen_name, graphids, columns): columns = int(columns) if len(graphids) % columns == 0: vsize = len(graphids) / columns else: vsize = (len(graphids) / columns) + 1 values = {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'screen.create', 'params': [{ 'name': screen_name, 'hsize': columns, 'vsize': vsize, 'screenitems': [] }], 'auth': auth, 'id': 2 } for i in graphids: values['params'][0]['screenitems'].append(i) output = requestjson(url, values) def main(): url = '' username = 'admin' password = 'password' auth = authenticate(url, username, password) host_list = gethosts(groupname, url, auth) graph_ids = getgraphs(host_list, graphname, url, auth, columns) screencreate(url, auth, screen_name, graph_ids, columns) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-g', dest='groupname', nargs='+', metavar='groupname', type=str,help='which group you want to select') parser.add_argument('-G', dest='graphname', nargs='+', metavar='graphname', type=str,help='which graph you want to select') parser.add_argument('-c', dest='columns', metavar='columns', type=int, help='the screen columns') parser.add_argument('-n', dest='screen_name', metavar='screen_name', type=str, help='the screen name') args = parser.parse_args() groupname = args.groupname graphname = args.graphname columns = args.columns screen_name = args.screen_name main()
python3.6 create_screen.py -g '上海G区 Linux' -G 'CPU utilization' -c 2 -n '上海G区 Linux---CPU utilization' python3.6 create_screen.py -g '上海G区 Linux' -G 'Memory usage' -c 2 -n '上海G区 Linux---Memory usage' python3.6 create_screen_disk.py -g '上海G区 Linux' -G '/: Disk space usage' -c 3 -n '上海G区 Linux---/: Disk space usage'
-g 要显示zabbix的群组(注意这个是在zabbix界面的"图形"里显示的"群组"选项,不能随便写,必须是存在zabbix里的)。
-G 要显示的zabbix图形(注意这个是在zabbix界面的"图形"里显示的"图形"选项,不能随便写,必须是存在zabbix里的)。
-c 显示几列,注意要调整脚本里的:'width': ,'height': 参数来设置大小。
-n 在screen
原文: https://www.cnblogs.com/kevingrace/p/8129943.html
原文用的 urllib2 我这安装不上,简单做了修改用的requests。